You just can’t seem to get excited about anything anymore- and wouldn’t have the drive or energy to do anything even if you did.

It’s like trudging through a thick, heavy sludge with no branch to grab onto. Anchored in quicksand. Unable to get out.

There’s a void that can’t seem to be filled with anything meaningful.

A fog of apathy and despair that looms over you day in and day out. Sleep seems to be the only reprieve.

The idea of getting up and doing just about anything may seem daunting. Happiness seems so foreign now.

This is a really tough way to live life.

If you continue to live this way, everything being a struggle, happiness continues to be an illusion- something OTHER people experience.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. Happiness is for everyone- including you! You CAN find joy and fulfillment and purpose in life- with the right help!


Perhaps you’ve experienced some type of loss. Or something happened to you that left you feeling helpless, hopeless, and alone. Perhaps your system has been depleted over and over again. This keeps you stuck in the pain and the fog.

There are certain things we need to experience happiness: biologically, socially, mentally/emotionally. And when depression is around, oftentimes one or several of these important elements is missing.

This is where therapy can help!

We help to find what’s missing and figure out ways to get it back. We explore the core issues contributing to the depression and find a path to healing.

Once you do this, you may notice some of that heaviness has floated away. You feel lighter, less sunken in, standing a little taller.

You begin to see things more clearly, vividly now that the fog has cleared. Your energy and desire increase and you start enjoying what life has to offer. You notice a greater sense of connection and purpose.

No longer do you dread waking up every day. Now, you wake up enthused about what the day has in store.

And now you have the insight and tools to help you through tough moments. You’ve got a way to navigate difficult thoughts and feelings so you don’t find yourself stuck in the pit of despair. You can find your way through to a place of joy and freedom once again.

I have helped many people who have felt exactly this way to find their way through the pain into a place of gratitude, fulfillment, and joy. And I would like to help you find your way, too.

Living in this pain doesn’t have to be your reality any longer.

Reaching out can feel daunting. The phone feels like a thousand pounds. But making the call is the first step towards finding a new way to experience your life- a life of joy, fulfillment, and purpose.

If you’re ready for that change, contact me and we will find your way together. Let’s get started!


Find healing and experience life differently.