Sometimes we react to things without knowing why.

It can make you feel disjointed, disconnected, and confused about who you really are.

Its like someone else is at the switchboard of your life.

Truth is, our thoughts and feelings give us important messages and our behaviors serve a purpose- even if we don’t know what that is just yet.

We all have different aspects of our personality. At times, different parts of us take on extreme roles in order to help us get through life. These may be a reaction to a trauma or a wound that has been hidden away.

These different parts of us that take over have positive intentions, but sometimes the consequences of their actions are destructive. They inadvertently cause problems in our work, relationships, health, and mental/emotional well-being.

In IFS, we get to know the different parts of you. We learn how and why they show up in your life as they do.

IFS helps to bring these different parts of the self to light so we can better understand what is going on internally that is creating problems and distress.

We discover the significance of all the different parts of you and you learn how to access your true Self. We aim to figure out why we do/feel/think the way we do, heal the wounds that may be underneath, and open up possibilities for new ways of feeling and responding to our world (and ourselves) that is adaptive and fulfilling.

IFS helps build self-compassion and helps you heal from the burdens you’ve been carrying. This approach fosters a connection with your Self. You gain insight and appreciation for all of who you are.

If you are ready to develop a new relationship with yourself and heal the wounds that have been running the show for so long, I would be honored to help!

Contact me below and let’s get started!


Find healing and experience life differently.